Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
PUSH MODELS San Diego & Las Vegas Open for Business

This Friday night will be our official PUSH MODELS – SAN DIEGO & LAS VEGAS launch party. Yep that is right, PUSH MODELS is opening another two event staffing companies / offices in these two MAJOR cities. Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will be training days for the new team members Jason Ellis for the San Diego market and Lawrence McBride for the Las Vegas market BUT FRIDAY night (8/27) will be YOUR chance to meet them both!
Over the course of the years we have provided promotional models, trade show models and event staffing services for expos, special events and street team campaigns all over Las Vegas and San Diego markets and we did most of it remotely but after this month PUSH MODELS will locally have locations and great people to run them in these markets… what does this mean for you? Well if you’re a customer, then it simply means better service and if you’re a model… well just much more opportunity.
So we invite you all to come out and party VIP style with the new Las Vegas and San Diego PUSH MODELS agency owners. As our National event staffing company continues to grow we will continue to PUSH off each one of our event staffing companies the same way. Training (Thursday/Friday), Little fun (Friday Night) and then back to the training (Saturday). We hope to see you all there. RSVP to
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This Friday is going to be a BIG night! Let me tell you why...
1. We have two birthday parties for two very special ladies. Nicole Johnson (PUSH internship) and Chelsie Haro (Super Star Model) are the two birthday girls, you may know them and if not you should, they are both very cool. There photos are attached :)
2. We are celebrating the official merger of our sister company now named PUSH TACTICS. Both companies now fall under the PUSH – marketing & promotions brand! This is a big deal!
3. We are looking for 10-15 more girls for both the Stoli and Republic teams so our booking managers Tiffany Jackson and Megan Smith will both be in attendance to pick models for these teams.
4. I am looking for 3 JR VIP hosts to help support our GNO Friday night. Models can make great money by simply inviting your girlfriends to our event. Please let me know if you’re interested.
5. There will be a swimsuit runway show for Exquisite Swim Wear. If you are interested in getting some runway experience I believe they need 2-3 more models for this. Unfortunately I don’t believe it is paid. If you’re interested let me know and I will submit your photos.
6. Lastly, as always Free Drinks in our VIP area for all models, applicants and friends of both… bring out your girlfriends and lets PARTY!!!
Is that enough reasons for you :)
7443 E. 6th Ave.
Old Town Scottsdale, AZ
ORIENTATION – ALL applicants must attend!
8:30pm - 9:30pm
Company Briefing, Training & Interview
Followed by our Cocktail Party.
COCKTAIL PARTY / celebration
10:30pm - close
Reserved Seating
Complimentary Cocktails for you and your GIRL friends! (list closes at 11:00am)
RSVP to GNO by replying back or calling me @ 623.239.9340! Thank you guys soooo much and look forward to seeing everyone THIS Friday! PLEASE make sure to tell the bouncer that you are with PUSH MODELS when you get to the door, I should be at the door checking people in.. you must get a wristband from me and you MUST get to DP before 11pm.
Toni Garcia – GNO HOST
PUSH - marketing & promotions
O 480.945.6000|F 480.393.7575
PUSH @ E3 Nintendo 3DS Launch
PUSH @ the 2010 Nightclub and Bar Expo!
PUSH MODELS (Agency Ownership Opportunity)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Fundraser Car Wash for Burns & Trama Foundation
One of our Models by the name Rachell Chuirzzi is organizing a fundraiser car wash for the Foundation for Burns and Trauma, a fantastic organization that plays an important role in the recovery of many burn sufferers here in Arizona, especially with their Camp Courage for Kids. The car wash will be held on Saturday, March 27th from 9am to 2pm in Tempe. The volunteers will help with washing the cars on the day of the event and spreading the word about the event prior to it happening by passing out fliers and pre-selling car was tickets. So if you are available and would like to volunteer please let Rachell know so she can put you on the volunteer list. Please let Rachell know if you have any questions or want to help out... 623.206.2964 or